Odd Shapes

Odd Shapes

No quite square? No problem!

That odd shaped piece in your greenhouse is no trouble for us!

We can cut glass and make double glazed units to almost any shape.

The most simple shapes (i.e. sloped edge) have the same time scale as the single/double glazed ordinary units but the more complex shapes can take some time to do.

We require templates for all shapes which are more complex and if the glass is to be toughened only hard board templates will be accepted. This is due to the toughened suppliers tracing the template on a machine which uses a laser, this means the glass will be cut exactly to the template.

In our workshop we can have more discretion and are able to cut from card board or paper templates, however paper is not recommended for large pieces of glass.

For a quote on an odd shaped piece of glass please send us a drawing via fax/email or in person. Shapes can often be misinterpreted over the phone.

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